Spring has sprung and brings with it new life in many forms at Parkside. For instance, gardening has really taken off this school year. All of the classrooms have their own gardens, and the children have been busy planting, tending, and harvesting. There have been several delicious feasts, and we plan to “grow” our gardening focus even more next year! We also love sharing our campus with so much wildlife, and we recently found a fawn enjoying a nap under the trees. We’re happy to report that the whistling ducks are back, too, so keep your eyes and ears open the next time you’re at Parkside!
Last month, our community was treated to not one but TWO subject fairs! Upper Elementary educated and entertained us with their creative and in-depth science experiments and presentations. Then, the Lower Elementary classrooms took us on a trip around the world, sharing the geography, history, culture and food of a wide variety of countries. Every student put a lot of work into their project, and their pride and confidence were evident as they interacted with fair-goers.
We’d like to offer heartfelt thanks to those of you who supported our Amplify Austin campaign in March. As this is our major fundraising event each year, we are so grateful for the result – over $33,000 raised for our scholarship program! Thanks to you, we can continue to share the Simple Gifts of Parkside with deserving children and families from throughout the Austin community.
Finally, we sincerely hope you can all join us for Gates of Life on Wednesday, June 6th at 11 am, here on campus. This is a sweet ceremony in honor of the children moving up to new classrooms or moving beyond Parkside’s gates. Former students are invited up to form the gates to walk through, and each “graduating” child is recognized and celebrated. We look forward to this bittersweet day each year and would love for you to be a part of it.
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Thank you again, friends, for your support and enthusiasm for this, our labor of deep love.
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Parkside Community School
Parkside Community School