We had a glorious morning with so much to celebrate! We started with Simple Gifts, where we love to sing and dance together - including a few special songs for Halloween and Joe and Camille's birthdays. The children made banners and cards for Joe and then we gathered on the patio for one more surprise for both Joe and Claire. In honor of their 31+ years in creating, nurturing, and inspiring the Parkside community, and in recognition of their well-deserved retirement, we have dedicated and renamed the Community Room. It shall here and ever after be known as The Joe and Claire Bruno Community Room. This space speaks to the love they have for coming together with the Parkside community, and they can't wait to do that again.
Thank you, Joe and Claire, for dreaming the impossible dream and making it come true for all of us.
We love you!
Parkside Community School
Parkside Community School