Happy New Year!
Courtney • January 19, 2018

Despite the cold, crazy weather we’ve seen in Austin, Texas as of late, things are all sunshine and rainbows on the Parkside campus! The children are happily working in their classrooms, building sweet friendships, and loving our new playground equipment!

Thanks to the generous support of our “Come Play with Parkside” campaign for Giving Tuesday in November, we have added new equipment to each of our play areas. The Primary children have a new geodesic dome climber, Lower Elementary has new monkey bars and parallel bars, and Upper Elementary has new chin-up bars and an inclined climbing bar. All ages and skill levels are having a wonderful time just “hanging around” at play time!


We also plan to make improvements to our Community Room in order to create a true performance space for our talented musicians, singers, and dancers. Better sound and lighting will enhance the experience for the audience as well, and we will begin upgrading the space in the near future.

In this new year, we are still marveling over where Parkside is now and where we have the potential to go in the years to come. We are reflecting and refining and, as always, giving thanks. Happy New Year to our community, past and present, and we look forward to seeing all of you in 2018!

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